Before after photos of breast enlargement with implants

The photos below show patients before and after breast augmentation with silicone implants. The after pictures are usually taken from 6 months after the operation. Before this time, the result is already visible but often not 100% conclusive due to swelling.

Form your own opinion based on these results

For all breast augmentations, photos are taken for documentation purposes during the consultation. This serves both for planning the operation and for comparison. The result of the operation is immediately visible but the process is not yet complete; the implant will take up its final position within the first 6 months. Patients go through an emotional time here. Initially, there is often doubt about the purpose and success of the operation, which is often accompanied by a small degree of uncertainty. Due to the initial swelling and possible hematoma formation (bruising), the result does not yet meet expectations. As soon as the initial swelling is reduced and the haematoma fades, the result can already be seen more clearly. Patients describe this phase as “relief”. As the goal is foreseeable, the start, i.e. the original state before the operation, is often forgotten. As the last swelling subsides approx. 2-3 months after the operation, the actual “joy” about the result of the operation begins. However, this joy is then permanent and is reinforced by the direct comparison of the “before” pictures.

What you can expect after breast augmentation

In the photos selected above, you can see the results approximately 6 months after the treatment. Through the targeted combination of either round or anatomical implants, the breast can be enlarged without creating a highly unnatural result. Of course, every anatomy is unique, but you may find yourself in one or the other picture.

The final result can be assessed after about 6-12 months, when the newly shaped breast tissue becomes visible. We always take great care to achieve the most natural results possible.