Hair thickening with prp brings strong, full and thick hair

In brief
Hair thickening with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is an innovative cosmetic procedure that stimulates hair growth and improves hair density. This technique makes it possible to treat specific areas of the scalp that are affected by hair loss or thinning hair. PRP hair thickening is ideal for people who have not had satisfactory success in improving hair density despite the use of conventional hair care products and treatments.
The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. Overall, hair thickening with PRP can be an effective way to promote hair growth and increase hair density. If you are interested, contact us today with no obligation.
What motivates people to have hair thickening?
Hair is often a beauty attribute for both men and women. The fuller and thicker it is, the more we are attracted to it. In contrast, thinning and brittle hair can quickly affect mood and self-esteem. Before this leads to social withdrawal, it makes sense to have the symptom and the causes of hair loss treated. Hair thickening with PRP offers a good alternative here.
What is hair thickening with PRP?
This method uses the body’s own platelets to improve blood flow to the scalp and thus provide the hair follicles with more nutrients.
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Platelets, also known as thrombocysts, are components from your blood. Blood is first taken from the patient and then separated into its components. This is often referred to as autologous blood or vampire treatment. When used in a targeted manner, the platelets can stimulate blood flow to the scalp and thus have a positive effect on hair growth.

Who is hair thickening suitable for?
Hair loss can also be caused by an insufficient supply of nutrients to the hair roots. This causes the newly produced hair to become thin and brittle. When looking in the mirror, those affected notice, for example, a shifting hairline or partially thinned areas. This is often a gradual process over a longer period of time. Complete hair loss may or may not be the result. If your hair is already thinning but still present, hair thickening with PRP is a very good method of slowing down this process.
Who is it not suitable for?
Suboptimal is a pathological hair loss, here it is important to treat the cause before fighting the symptoms. Advanced hair loss may also be a little “too late” for PRP treatment. PRP thickens brittle, thin hair, but cannot reverse hair loss.

When is the best time?
If your laboratory values and hormone levels are within the normal range and there is no known underlying disease that requires your attention, hair thickening can be carried out at any time of year. Please note that 3-4 treatments at intervals of 4-5 weeks are recommended for optimum results. After the treatment, you are socially acceptable, but may need to wash your hair.
How does hair thickening work technically?
All questions are clarified in advance in a detailed consultation and the options are discussed.
If there are no illnesses causing the hair loss, blood will first be taken from you. This is a small amount of blood, so you will not experience any circulatory problems or other symptoms. We will then centrifuge the blood. This process takes about 15 minutes and allows the individual blood components to be separated gently. The PRP is then drawn into small syringes and, after cleaning your scalp, injected into the scalp using fine needles. If you have a sensitive scalp, this part of the treatment may be minimally painful. We are happy to offer you painkillers in advance.
Can the treatment be combined with other procedures?
This treatment is very well suited to be combined with our infusions or collagen drinks. Both provide the body with a higher supply of micronutrients.
Risks and complications
The treatment involves the reinjection of the body’s own fluid, so the risk of possible complications is extremely low. Small, punctiform bruises or hematomas may occur on the day of treatment. These usually disappear by themselves so that no further treatment is necessary. The liquid injected into the scalp may cause a slight feeling of pressure within the first 60 minutes.
What to do in the event of complications?
If, contrary to expectations, complications occur, we will not leave you alone with them. After the operation, you will be given an emergency number where you can reach us 24 hours a day. During the routine check-ups following the operation, we will discuss the progress and the next steps with you in detail.
Healing and progression
As soon as patients have decided on a treatment, there is great anticipation of the result. However, depending on the procedure, there is a long way to go. You will need to be patient until the final result is achieved. If you know what to expect before your planned treatment, this path will be easier.
Is the treatment painful?
No, there is usually no pain during either the blood sampling or the re-injection. Only a slight pulling or pressure is felt. If you have a sensitive scalp, you are welcome to let us know in advance and we will give you painkillers.
When can I expect the final result?
The results of hair thickening are visible after approx. 2-3 months. Patients will notice a visible change after about the second to third treatment.

What does hair thickening cost?
A single treatment costs around €300. As a rule, 3-4 treatments are necessary to see a longer-lasting effect. After that, a refresher treatment every 6 months is sufficient.

Financing, down payment, installment payment
We also offer the option of financing. We will be happy to inform you about this in a personal consultation.